
Get It Hertfordshire

Take control of your sexual health with free condoms and sexual health tests. It's all fast, free and confidential!

How it works

With Get It Hertfordshire you can have free condoms, lube, and at-home sexual health testing kits posted out to you discretely. Once you’ve registered, you can either order online, or collect condoms and a test kits from outlets all over Hertfordshire.

Who can use this service?

To register you must be aged 16+ and have a delivery postcode in Hertfordshire. (This doesn't have to be your home address).

How to use this service

Visit Get It Hertfordshire and register for free.

Why people use this service

  • To take control of their sexual health
  • To make condoms affordable
  • To make sexual health testing more convenient
  • Increased privacy and convenience
  • To find free, confidential and unbiased sexual health advice

Get in touch


Call our Sexual Health Hertfordshire team on 0300 008 5522.