
HIV testing for men who have sex with men

HIV prevention services for men who have sex with men in London

About this service

We offer free rapid HIV testing and prevention services in collaboration with Spectra and Positive East. Together, we make up the GMI Partnership.

Funded by the London HIV Prevention Programme (Do it London), GMI provide community-based HIV testing and other prevention services for men who have sex with men. HIV testing and free condom distributions usually take place in bars, clubs, saunas and events across London. You can find out where we will be from our event calendar here. We also support men who are interested in learning more about HIV prevention, such as PrEP, PEP and treatment.

Who can use this service?

Services are for men who have sex with men and are over 18. Our service is fully inclusive of trans people.

Why people use this service

  • I'd like to check my HIV status
  • I want to know where I can get tested
  • I want to find out about PrEP or PEP
  • I want free condoms

Find out more

Check out the GMI Partnership website for more information. You can also find out ways to prevent HIV on the Do It London website, including frequent testing, condoms, PrEP and having an undetectable viral load (U=U).