
Representation for community groups

Getting the views of service users heard by the council, police and NHS

About this service

We represent and support the voluntary, community and faith organisations so statutory agencies like the council, police and NHS understand the views of staff and service users. We provide advice for organisations on how to best navigate statutory services so their views are heard and acted upon. We also represent the sector as a whole.

METRO GAVS sits on over 20 formal boards/partnership groups. We convene a range of meetings that bring together different sectors, like the social isolation strategy group. We also make sure organisations know who they need to talk to and how to talk to statutory agencies in the borough so that services improve for everyone.

Who can use this service?

Your organisation needs to be a member of METRO GAVS.

Why people use this service

  • Make sure voluntary and community organisations have a voice
  • Improve statutory services
  • Amplify the needs and aspirations of service users
  • Support members of the community who aren't often heard
  • Principles of co-production in police and service design

Get in touch

Email or call METRO GAVS on 020 8305 5000.

We'll get back to you within 7 days. You'll be assigned a development officer, who will find out more about you and how we can help.

We need to make sure the voices of all our communities are heard

Many voluntary, community and faith organisations work with groups who are often poorly served or indirectly discriminated against.

We maintain high quality relationships with voluntary, community and faith organisations and local statutory agencies. This puts us in a unique position to amplify the voices of communities who otherwise might not be heard.

With the increasing demands on services and public funding cuts, we need to come up with new ways of working to support our communities. We want to make sure the voluntary and community sector thrives and is resilient.

How we make a difference

We need services that are appropriate for the range of communities in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. These services must be accessible and try to prevent issues like ill health and social isolation where appropriate.

This project aims to improve people's lives and the experience they have of services. We bring agencies and the community together to solve problems on specific, difficult issues.