Our new CEO Tony Wong

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new, permanent CEO, who will be joining us from September 16th, 2024.

Tony Wong, previously the CEO of Hackney Council for Voluntary Service (CVS), brings nearly two decades of experience in the health and social care sectors. His professional journey is marked by a consistent track record of transformative leadership and a deep commitment to community engagement. At Hackney CVS, he has led significant strategic advancements focused on financial sustainability and inclusive community services, and been instrumental in advocating for anti-racist commissioning.

On joining METRO, Tony said: “I’m delighted to be taking up the position of CEO at METRO Charity. I believe everyone, irrespective of their race, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, faith or religion should have access to appropriate health and wellbeing services, with tackling health inequalities being a consistent thread throughout my career. As an equality and diversity charity providing health and community services, METRO plays a significant role across London and the South East. I’m looking forward to working with our teams and partners and leading the charity through its next chapter of evolution in delivering high-quality services, which acknowledge and embrace difference.

Tony will have a one-month crossover with our two acting Co-CEOs at METRO: Joel Robinson and Mark Delacour, who have stepped up from their Director roles (Director of Services and Director of External Affairs respectively) to support continuity for the charity during this transitional period.

Dawn Brown, our Chair of Trustees said: “I am delighted to welcome Tony, on behalf of everyone at METRO. We are excited about what his leadership will bring as he steers the charity into its next chapter, supporting and engaging the people and communities METRO serves. I’d also like to thank Mark and Joel for their work acting up as Co-CEOs, and to all the amazing team at METRO who go above and beyond every day.”