Carers Rights Day 2021

Our Naomi Goldberg shares her experience on life as a carer

“My partner has had a long journey with alcohol misuse. In October 2020 he first started to show signs of serious liver disease which is when his first hospital admission took place. He is now on his fifth admission to hospital. Over the past three months, since the start of his fourth admission, I have been become his carer. He has now become so disabled that he couldn’t get out of bed, he could barely walk, and we have had difficulty with toilet arrangements. For the past two months, my partner has been sober, and he is now on a waiting list to receive a liver transplant, which is his last chance of survival.

"As a carer, you are physically, mentally, and intellectually stretched all over the place. I think it’s vital to recognise when you have reached the stage where you are a carer and accept and recognise that you can’t do it alone and at some point, will require support and help. I have nothing but admiration for those carers who take on the responsibility of caring full time, with little support and help. I have tried so hard to get help, and it is a struggle, wading through treacle to get support. So far, we have been through five social care assessments; and have had occupational therapy come to review our property. Some simple adjustments have been made to help us; however, we have received a fraction of the changes we requested. I couldn’t agree more that the NHS and social care require more funding, however, I have experienced first-hand the number of inefficient steps taken, which has delayed my partner getting the support they desperately need. Simply, my hope is for medical and social care professionals to listen and support carers and families alike in the most efficient and thorough way when they cry out for help, just as I have often.

"I’m not sure I am aware of all my rights as a carer, however, something I feel firmly about is that we should have the right of employment, and to continue working. I am first-hand proof that this is possible (with METRO being really supportive), and while it may be challenging in elements, with the support around my position at work, it is possible. Often, I feel there is an expectation attached to carers that we should not work and that financial support is our main need, but that shouldn’t have to be the case if supported in employment.

"Finally, my advice for people wishing to support carers, such as friends and family, is simply to be a pillar of support within their lives. Actively check in on people and offer an ear to listen. Allow them to decompress and let them know that you are there to support in whatever way you can. My friends give me a call weekly to see how I am doing, and I also have a colleague who is going through similar circumstances at the moment, so we often act as a support for one another, however, I believe it’s a case by case, person by person situation.”

Naomi Goldberg, Director of Strategy.