
HIV advice helpline

Advice and emotional support for people living with HIV in Greenwich

About this service

Call our HIV advice helpline for information and emotional support. Lines are open from 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

We can talk about HIV treatment and adherence, health and wellbeing, emergency financial support, food bank vouchers, or advocacy on welfare and housing. We can refer you to other services including sexual health, contraception and peer support. We also have information about work or volunteering opportunities.

Who can use this service?

We give advice and support to anyone who calls our helpline, but our specialist knowledge is about services in Greenwich.

Why people use this service

  • I've been diagnosed with HIV
  • I'm worried about money
  • I have a question about my treatment
  • I don't have anyone to talk to about HIV

How we can help

  • Confidential support
  • Advice on any difficulties you have
  • Talk about your options
  • Find out about local services

Get in touch

Call our helpline on 020 8305 5006.

Lines are open from 10am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We aim to answer all calls immediately, but sometimes lines are busy. If you don't get through please try again later in the day.