Professional Volunteering with a difference
METRO Associates is a professional volunteering network of people committed to supporting our work by providing specialised help for specific time-bound projects. It is a mutually beneficial opportunity focused on projects and goals rather than more traditional volunteering roles.
Volunteers come to us from a range of industries to provide skills that we don't have in-house or that we don't have enough of, such as legal skills, IT based skills, design and creative skills.
Through a range of networking and supporter opportunities, professionals will be able to develop socially responsible community based projects to create the METRO Community Works programme. Associates are also encouraged to get involved in fundraising activities.
We are currently re-working the programme and will be launching the new programme soon. We have worked already with a number of organisations including IBM, KPMG, BP and Standard Chartered Bank to recruit Associates and to help steer the programme.
How does it work?
It is a very straightforward process. You tell us what knowledge and skills you can offer and what areas of work you are interested in. You will then receive information and notices about the projects that need support. It is entirely up to you to decide when and if to offer your time - giving you the freedom to be guided by your own interest.
When you express an interest you will be contacted directly with more information and to make arrangements for the work to be carried out.
Benefits of becoming a METRO Associate
- become part of a network of professionals committed to making a difference and support a great community based charity
- volunteer your time for projects you choose to engage with relevant to your business goals, professional skills and interests
- real results for the time, knowledge and skills you invest with projects that you know are needed
- opportunities to network with like-minded people with the potential to develop your own socially responsible projects
How do I sign up?
You can download a copy of the Welcome Pack for those who have shown an interest in the program or a copy of the Registration Form to register which encourages you to give details of the skills and interests you have which we can then use to match you with projects where appropriate.
Send this form to and we'll get in touch.
Recruitment timeframes and approaches will be subject to change due to the challenges we are facing in combating coronavirus. We still welcome applications.
What type of skills do I need?
The skill range can be very wide and the ones listed in the registration form are not comprehensive. If there is a skill you have that you would like to share or you think may benefit then by all means let us know about it and we can see how we can incorporate you into the work we do.