If you would like to provide feedback on any of our staff, volunteers, services or processes please email feedback@metrocharity.org.uk or write to us at:
METRO Woolwich
1st Floor Equitable House
7 General Gordon Square
SE18 6FH
It is very helpful if you can provide as much information as possible, for example names of any of our team involved, when things happened, how you are involved, the service if relevant and whether you have already spoken to any of the team already.
Our complaints process goes through different stages:
1. Informal resolution
You should first try to solve your problem informally, unless:
- It relates to the local manager
- It is serious
- It is not acted upon
- You are unhappy with the resolution
Informal resolution should take a maximum of 7 days.
2. Formal complaint
After your complaint arrives at METRO we will let you know within 3 working days that we have received it. We will also give you the name of the senior manager looking at your complaint. They will decide whether to do a formal investigation and let you know the outcome within 21 working days from when your complaint arrived.
3. Appeals
After your appeal arrives, we will let you know within 7 working days that we have received it, or within 3 working days if your appeal is about possible harassment. Our Chief Executive will decide whether to investigate further and let you know the outcome within 14 working days.
Appeals should be sent to:
Andrew Evans
METRO Woolwich
1st Floor Equitable House
7 General Gordon Square
SE18 6FH
If you are not satisfied with the response to your appeal you can take it the chair of our board of trustees.
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Charity Commission.